Dress Code
Like the area we live in, we're pretty casual. We want you to be more focused on the service than what you’re wearing. Dress however you feel most comfortable. Visitors often come in the clothes they brought for hiking, camping, skiing or whatever. It's a “come as you are” atmosphere which is fine with us. We want you to relax and experience the love and grace of God.
Sometimes we have upbeat music, as well as hymns and songs of quiet worship. Everyone worships in their own way – some might sing, clap or raise their hands; others worship silently. Most people stand but some sit, its more about connecting with God than what you do.
We love to worship God and want everyone’s experience be as meaningful as possible. To facilitate that, we offer child care and assisted-listening devices for the hearing-impaired. Just ask an usher to direct you to the right resource.
Life can be tough. Sometimes you need someone to come along side and help you pray about important issues. Sometimes you might just want prayer for yourself. Following each service people will be available to pray with you. They will be introduced at the end of the service and remain up front until everyone who comes forward has received prayer.
We offer an opportunity to give through tithes and offerings, but as a guest, please do not feel any obligation. Not every member gives every week so there’s no need to feel awkward, you’re not expected to make a donation.
Meet & Greet
After church there will be hot coffee, tea and snacks in the downstairs lobby. We invite you to grab a bite, meet someone new or chat up an old friend. It's also a great time to ask any questions you might have about our church, teachings or ministries.